But as usual I'm a bit off-topic. What I really want to discuss is the danger of leaving your iPhone, iPad, and/or iTouch in reach of any child in your household (that includes the husband who may thing his porn surfing will remain untraceable which I can assure you, it does NOT).
I try to take photos of the kids on their first and last day of school each year so I can see how much they have grown which in turn drives me to drink and drown my sorrows in my favorite coping mechanism: red wine. Granted, driving me to drink is a fairly short trip, but still, having your children grow up only means one thing: you better grow up too!
Before you know it they'll be hormonal beasts, all heads spinning and split pea soup barfing, angry, loving, funny, angry, happy, sad, and angry again, all of this in about a minutes' time. Begging for their freedom, yet at every given opportunity breaking the rules so they aren't even allowed to pee without permission. As you can imagine by reading this, when I realized I would someday have two teenagers in my house at once, the thought of three of them tipped the scales in favor of the old "procedure" for Mark (see previous post on the subject for more entertainment).
Wow, am I off-topic for the day. Sheesh! So anyhoozer, the reason I am bringing this all up is that AFTER I downloaded the last day of school photos from my iTouch (in my drunken stupor Friday night I left my good camera at a friend's house after saying "my talent is making a bottle of wine disappear" which I did. All. By. Myself.) I discovered an entire suite of self-portraits taken by my daughter, Monday when she was home with a fever.
And while most of them are self-portraits (now I know why she was so freaking quiet that morning) there are some other artful selections of her stuffed toys, blanket, booger-infested tissues and a go-gurt wrapper. Really Kaylee? You left photographic evidence of you pigginess for all the world to see! No denying it now sister!
In a way her stuff is pretty edgy. I wonder if I change it all to sepia tone and put a bird here and there, if I could enter them in a contest and call it art?
To view the work of our budding photographer, please clink the link below:
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